Counter-Strike 2

Fu Rony Revival

David | 34 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad
Leader Leader
LAN Player LAN Player


I played the old cs 1.6 version for a while, spent a lot of hours on Cs : Source and now I'm really active in CS : GO.

I have an account for games with my friends and a competition accounts which is only made to play ranks.

In 50 games and less I was able to reach Legendary Eagle and still can end top player of the game.

I think I got a lot to learn but have a really good base and understanding of the game mechanics.


Experiences online

  • Counter strike 1.6
  • Counter strike Source
  • Counter strike Global Offensive

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


"YO" My name is David, I been playing this game for long time and finally took the decision to try hard and see where I can go.

I have a nice work schedule which makes me available a lot.

I can speak French/English pretty well.

I can do almost any rôles but I'm a good Awper and Rifler. I can also call strats really good.

Lets Roll!


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