Counter-Strike 2

Im trying to become a pro Counter-Strike player

Alex Preiss | 23 ans

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I seek to become a professional CounterStrike player. I play nearly everyday and am very passionate about the game.

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ATM I am a GN 1 but that is of result that I hadn't played and lost my rank. I am mainly an AWPer for T side on most maps but on CT prefer the M4a4. I have also learned spray pattern on most all guns such as: ak, m4a4 & m4a1s. I have also come accustomed to using most pistols and tend to get 2-4 kills on each pistol round. As most people I am better at Dust 2 then most maps but I also succeed at Mirage, Inferno, Overpass, & occasionally Cache. I am 14 and have a better than decent mic as also teamspeak/ any other type of voice chat program that is free.


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