Counter-Strike 2


Perry | 27 ans

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I hope to be able to make it to roughly LEM/LE and participate in some competitions and perhaps some LAN's in the future as well.

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I am a 17 year old British gamer, I consider myself a motivated player and eager to win.

I purchased CS:GO around the start of September 2014. Prior to this I have not had much experience with counter strike, even though I owned CSS I did not really play it too much. The only "Competitive" games I have done prior to CS:GO was Game battles for CoD, but lets be fair, its not really that great or any major skill needed.

Since the start of September I have amounted over 200 hours of CS:GO and have been thoroughly enjoying the whole scene. I hope to keep progressing my skills within CS:GO and hopefully be able to reach the high end of the competitive scene.

I Have been participating in a Team called Squeakz since September, us all starting as new players in silver. We managed to work together to Gold Nova with strats and such but inactivity took place and it started to die a bit.


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