Counter-Strike 2


Nathan Williams | 26 ans

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I have a lot of experience as I have two accounts, My one account I don't really go on but is a silver elite, my other account which is called Andy Tate and is a gold nova 1. I was part of a gaming clan for about a month called LTD gaming, and I know the different parts of the main maps. My main weapon that I use is the AWP as I am decent with the gun, I will leave a link to my main account and you can check the stats for yourself

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Hi, I'm Nathan Williams, I live in the Cardiff in the UK, I have only owned counterstrike for a couple of months but I can say that within these months I have improved and I think I am a player that is suitable for the gold Nova rank.My main gun on counterstrike is the AWP and have gotten over 3000 kills with it in matchmaking alone. I am good at communicating to new people and I would really like to find a team where everyone is good at the game and is the similar rank to me. if you think you match the above qualities give me a message on my steam account - moses1997.


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