Counter-Strike 2

rifler or awper

david | 34 ans

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I have been playing CS fr 8 years now, and played CAL in CSS. I have just returned to CSGO after being overseas, and was a DMG before I left and current a Gold Nova 4 and looking to play on a team and have alot of fun. I play AWP mainly, but can fill the slot as a rifler/int. I know all the maps, and can play up to 50 hours a week. Please contact me ingame on M.Boom.S , currently looking for a team. Located in AZ, USA and age 25

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I have been playing CS fr 8 years now, and played CAL in CSS. I have just returned to CSGO after being overseas, and was a DMG before I left and current a Gold Nova 4 and looking to play on a team and have alot of fun. I play AWP mainly, but can fill the slot as a rifler/int. I know all the maps, and can play up to 50 hours a week. Please contact me ingame on M.Boom.S , currently looking for a team. Located in AZ, USA and age 25.


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