Counter Strike : Source

Big Moist

Koen | 25 ans

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Strat caller Strat caller


Become a good competitive player to compete in small time tournaments, wager matches, and high competitive rank.

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My name is Koen Helms, and I am an IGL. One of my favorite games is chess, where i am nationally ranked at 1500. I love thinking of strats playing in a competitive environment. I have over a thousand hours in csgo, but since I've always been fast learner, it equates to thousands of hours for other people. My highest rank so far for mm is smfc, and for esea, cevo and faceit I can't remember since I took a break a while ago. I am light hearted and love to joke about virtually anything, and nothing offends me. However, I know when to be serious, just not too serious. My brother deranked my mm a while ago all the way down to gn4, but thats not a big deal since I doubt we will play mm. I have played on multiple Global teams back when the site was called Gamurs, but haven't since then.


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