Dead by Daylight


Kenneth | 21 ans

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Given the right motivation and time to do it I will try my best to help my team succeed in whatever they want. You just have to be patient with me and I'll give you some results, whatever that may be. I look forward to making friends and getting to experience new things with whatever team is out there.

Experiences online

  • 4600+ Hours on Dead By Daylight

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello everybody, I am a Claudette main for the hit game Dead By Daylight and thought it'd be nice to try and give comp DBD a shot (Whatever that is....). I have over 4600+ hours in DBD and I'm pretty decent at looping when I'm not goofing off in KYF or regular matches. Give the right focus and motivation I could surely hone my skills at Dead By Daylight. I have little experience with the comp DBD scene but I'm a quick learner when it comes to it. The most experience I have with comp DBD is watching comp tourneys on twitch like BotB! Given time I can learn most of the strats you guys have to offer and help your team out in Dead By Daylight. I'm also on the NA East servers for DBD and spend a lot of my time playing DBD whether it be for relaxing or for fun. Thank you for taking your time to read this.


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