Destiny 2


Derek | 34 ans

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Since I was old enough to hold my head upright myself I have been into gaming I am now 31 years old ! from Atari, Windows PC ( AOE II ), PlayStation 1 & 2 then jumped over to Xbox 360 then Xbox One and sometimes Acer nitro gaming laptop but need it fixed.

I have recently started my own YouTube channel but as of this time not many followers but I am very persistent!

I do work a full time job between 3-11pm Monday-Friday GMT but I am flexible around those timescales

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I would really like to better myself and the team I am with to make a name for ourselves. I do not quit anything I start and have a lot of ideas on what works and doesn't.

I always believe in listening to suggestions and trying them out before dismissing anything.

Play fair and do not be toxic is the best way to be!!

Too much negativity in this world without us bad mouthing each other.

Stay safe ✌

P.s sorry if this is not what you are looking for, just me being honest


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