be a GOD

Corin | 31 ans

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Good day everybody,

I will try to be as short as possible and resume everything I have to say.

I retired 7 months ago from team world, going only for rank pubs and so because I no longer finding myself at that moment (also had some personal problems). In this moment I am recovering and I want to come back to the old level as soon as possible. I am a very quick learner, a kind and respectful person, if I receive the same. I do not like people that rage or abuse ping on the map.

All I want is a team (or a bunch of people) that are eager to find joy in their game, they want to build up something, do not believe that you can build a pro team over night and understand and learn from their mistakes. The most common problem the new teams encounters appear because they argue and quit.

Furthermore I want someone in which word I can trust. I have a very busy program during day time and if we have a practice scheduled tonight it would be good for it to take place.


- I started to play DOTA 1 in 2008 (almost 4k hours);
- I switched to DOTA 2 in 2011 (I have 2 accounts, one with 2k hours (4.1MMR) and one with 1.8k hours (this));
- My MMR is 4.700 SOLO and 4.622 PARTY;
- I started as a mid player in 2011, and switched to Carry for about 1 year
- My best heroes are: Anti-Mage, Faceless Void, Phantom Assassin, Luna, Juggernaut, Morphling, Gyrocopter, Silencer;

I can learn and practice any hero that snowball Meta game.


- I only played for 2 real teams: Flipsid3.Tactics (only for 3 months and the team was dying atm) and Inseparatio (for 2 years and a half);
- Tournaments I played in: CZ-SK Dota 2 League Season 3, Battle of Central Europe Season 2, SCL New Star Tournament, Balkan Challenger, Dota 2 Cup Season 3, Razor Gate Dota 2 Championship, Ro goes Pro, Dota 2 Romania 5 and Semi-pro Dota 2 League;
- I have a good view on games and coordination. I can help with late game calls because that is something that most of the starting team do not have;


- I am 22 years old, from Romania, and a student in the final year (I will be an IT Engineer at the end of it);
- I speak fluent English and I have Teamspeak and Microphone;
- During day I have things to do because I am also the President of the student organisation and therefor I have many meetings and so;
- I can play 6 from 7 days (I cannot do that on Monday because I have a meeting every week till late in the night);
- Time zone is GTM+2 and I can start playing from 22:00 every day till late in the night (during week time) and from 14:00 during weekends;


-A team that usually plays in the evening and have at least 3 members in it;
-For me MMR is not important as long as you play well and want to improve yourself but you must have at least 3 years of DOTA Experience and a minimum of 3.7K MMR;
-The ability to be calm, observe mistakes and improve yourself from the feeback that is given to you;
-Some cool guys that understand and do not make DOTA 2 their own life;
-People which understands me;

Ok that is all.

Dotabuff profile 1:****
Dotabuff profile 2: ****

Steam profile:****

Add me if you wanna discuss. I am looking forward to meet any of you :). And just for you to know, I am a person that works really hard to achieve what they believe in, and atm I really want a stable team :).


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