Blub Fish

Khailiqx Majken | 19 ans

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Carry Pusher Jungler
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  • Chaos Knight
  • Riki
  • Ursa
  • Storm Spirit


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My ambition is to be one of the best players of DOTA2 and participate in tournaments so that I could live up to my dreams and represent my country to the world and leaving my parents proud of me that I was able to achieve something.

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I am a DOTA 2 player and my rank is still to be determined, I once became a coach of a game named Mobile Legends, Mobile legends is a Multiplayer online battle arena making it similar to DOTA 2 but much more simple than DOTA 2. I have experience playing defense of the ancient 1 which is in the game Warcraft 3 - frozen throne, ever since I discovered this game I was able to master my first hero which is Huskar. I've been playing DOTA 2 since 2017 but wasn't able to focus on it during those days due to having a laptop that is constantly overheating, but since I upgraded to a newer laptop, I am now able to play more games and I am determined to be one of the best dota2 players. Today, I started to document my progress through live streaming in twitch not many people come to watch my streams but I also choose to record my streams as a remembrance of how much I've changed throughout the year. I aspire to be one of the best players in DOTA 2 because I still believe in the motto "if you can dream it, you can achieve it" making me still determined up until now.


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