
Taege Thailing | 28 ans

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Initiator Carry Semi-Carry Support
parties minimum
  • Brewmaster
  • Axe
  • Slardar
  • Tidehunter
  • Chaos Knight
  • Juggernaut
  • Shadow Fiend
  • Witch Doctor
  • Dark Seer
  • Batrider


Player Player


I'd like to eventually hit the tier 1 scene, I mean who doesn't? :) At this moment I'd like to fill a role in an active team of talented players who are willing to put time into tournaments, along with the practicing and scrims that is required. I'm hopeful that my future team is friendly, but still holds the maturity composure needed to play to the best of their ability.

Experiences online

  • DotA 2
  • League of Legends
  • Starcraft 2

Experiences offline

  • Warcraft 3


I'm currently a student in high school, class of 2013. I plan to move out after I graduate (June) and live with my high school buddy in an apartment. I will be attending a local community school with hours sparse enough to not conflict with my DotA practice time. I'm currently employed part-time, but my schedule is flexible enough for barely any interference. I am not a former DotA 1 player like I bet most of you are, I started playing League of Legends in 2010 (probably around March). I'll be honest, I sucked. So, I stopped playing and got into Starcraft 2, this is where I picked up some of the micro skills I have today. Anyways, I was terrible at macro in SC2, so I was unable to progress out of Silver League. I got bored and my friend said he wanted to pick up LoL again. I joined him (November 2011) and we both leveled to 30 in about two or three months. By this time we had started to get pretty good at LoL and we joined up with a couple from California and a young adult from Canada. Three or four ranked games a night for about a month and we started to look into tournaments. All of a sudden, Teri and Ed (the couple) break up and we lose a teammate. Are team is devastated with the loss and we start to lose interest. Then my pal discovers DotA 2. He gets into beta at launch and after about three months he sends a beta key to me. I've been playing pubs for about half a year and I think I'm ready to start playing tournaments. My friend has recently stopped playing, so I'm no longer a "package of two" deal. I'm open to any role, although my best would have to be bruiser (strength) semi-carry. (Brewmaster, CK, SB, Axe, etc.) I can also play a plethora of high tier heroes like Tidehunter, Batrider, DS, Morph, BH, Rubick, and Wisp.


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