
justine bontigao | 25 ans

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Initiator Ganker Carry Semi-Carry Pusher Support Jungler Nuker Disabler
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Player Player


I usually have two ambitions in life concerning dota. short term is to be compatible with my existing team to provide the best potential gameplay. And long term would be to be the very best for my team, so that I can carry them at my back when they needed it the most, to be the best for my team where they can heat up their game whenever I started to heat up my game (basically compatibility and game optimization)

Experiences online

  • very extreme hardships

Experiences offline

  • much better due to communication


I'm a dota player since I was little, started at 8 years old from dota1 (frozen throne) . of course, I was pathetic back then but through trial and error, I have strived to be the player I am now. I was a strong mid laner back 2015 but I have tried being the bigger man and pick the support life. But playing in America is very different. Players are greedy and self-centered, from this I saw through their gameplay that they cant give but instead just get as much as they want. So what I did is I change my role to a carry player. Adjusting is hard but I can assure you that I'm the best on what I do now. Maybe my advantage is I can compete with others and enemies much more than others. I can sometimes predict the usual and unusual movements of players. throughout my long road of dota experience, I am confident enough to say that I'm worthy of your time for trial.


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