Escape From Tarkov


Michael Moulden | 21 ans

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I'm currently getting certified as an IT support specialist, but have a passion for gaming. I've always thought about esports but never really considered it until I realized how much I loved Tarkov, and how good I was at it. If I could play on a coordinated team of friends for prizes, saying it's my dream is an understatement.

Experiences online

  • Alot of online competetive FPS gaming, across multiple games, such as CSGO, R6, COD, not just Tarkov.

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I am a good tarkov player who knows alot about the game, and PvP. I have over 2200 hours currently and still play frequently. While a wipe never keeps my attention long enough for me to want Kappa, I like to get max traders asap so I can have fun with my friends. I commonly can sherpa people and help them complete tasks, and I have enough patience to persevere even if things go south. I am great with positioning and movement, and have good aim. I use a variety of guns and armor to keep my skills honed.


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