Ultimate Aqua

Arturo Zamora III | 21 ans

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Experiences online

  • Battlefy Tournaments

Experiences offline

  • Tournaments between friends


Hello my name is Arturo Zamora III

Known as Ultimate Aqua or Aqua

I am highly known to be a very competitive player between many peers, I always try giving it my all and always try to find the smartest route to take and win.

I have led my friends and I to division 3 of Pro Clubs playing any and having my main striker.

On Ultimate Team I have many knowledge as I also watch football on tv, and have also played before. I have beaten many teams with legends cards while being an under dog, because I believe it is not so much about the flashy cards it's all about who is controlling the team and how you decide to play with it.

I mainly use a 4-3-3 Attack or 4-2-3-1 formation, depending on the team that I am using.
On battlefy tournaments I have placed 1st on a free entry also having placed 3rd and 4th.

In my city we had a school Fifa tournament and I cam on top winning first place.

The most I have gone undefeated is roughly about 30-35 games

It will be a great honor to represent a team!

Thank You!


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