

Abdi Jama | 26 ans

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I consider myself a very ambitious and being a pro gamer isn't something I take very lightly I do take it very serious and hopefully one day I join the team that helps me fulfill my dream and make something out of myself.

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Playing video games and enjoying it was just a part of my life since I was a young boy. I grew up in Cairo, Egypt a city where videos games are highly appreciated and enjoyed as much. Growing up in a community where I was surrounded by people who loved and enjoyed video games, and willing to take it to the next level, but sadly the circumstances wasn't in my favour at that time because of how the lifestyle was and still in Egypt. Years have passed and days had gone by and I've moved to Canada a land full of opportunities. Playing video games and getting paid doing it was something that I was very surprised and amused by it once I've came across it. Being a pro gamer and joining a pro team is something that requires a full dedication and focus and knowing the full risks that I may have encounter I am willing to take it to the next level whatever it takes.


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