
agent sqyd

Sydney Sasaki | 18 ans

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-get on a team (one percent, faze, xtra gaming)
-get sponsors
-play in cash cups or events like that
-win money & hopefully make a career out of gaming

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hi! i'm sydney and i love to play fortnite. i grind about 3-7 hours per day every single day. i continue to have a love for the game and am super determined to be the best! i watch a lot of fortnite streamers and i watch my past videos to help myself see what I may be able to improve upon. i am currently level 73 for chapter 2 season 3 battlepass. i don't spend too much on the game so i only have a handful of skins and i have never cheated, bought levels, or anything else like that. as i keep playing i keep seeing myself improve and i would love to be apart of any org or team! i can say that my building does need some work but i'm a fast and determined learner. i'm a pretty chill funny person to vibe and game with, so even if i can't be on a team feel free to add me (agent sqyd) on fortnite so we can play!


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Ce joueur n'est plus disponible pour être recruté

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