

Braden Frick | 18 ans

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My ambitions would be to go pro all the way. I have wanted to go pro in a game ever since I started playing cod. However, then I wasn't old enough to join any pro teams due to age and now that I am older and more mature I want to achieve my goal of going pro. Another goal would be to join a team that is pro or looking to go pro as said above.

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Well, I am Braden Frick. I'm 14 and am looking for a team that is going or is pro. For a while now I have been looking to go pro because it was always my dream to go pro and Fortnite is one of the games that I'm actually good at with something other than sniping. I have been a sniper since the release BO2 and I am decently good at sniping if you want some of my clips of sniping I can send some. However, that is up to you whether or not you want to see them. I am very kind, respectful, responsible, independent, and ambitious. I do play on Xbox One and started Fortnite in Season 1 on PC, then I switched to console, then to mobile, PC, then back to console because I like the feel of console and I am here to stay a console/ Xbox player. I have been looking for a team to join for a while now and I joined a super small team that was not looking to go pro and they were called "UNDD Clan" I was with them for a year then decided to leave because I realized if I want to set forth my goals they will not help me get there. I have been looking for a clan to join for a few months now that wants to go pro. If you want to know my highest kill game it was in an LTM called "One Shot" and there I got 22 kills which a year later I got 22 kills in a solo duo (technically) my friend died off spawn. I do hope you will consider me in joining this team and I hope to see you soon!


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