

Bureir | 21 ans

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need that competition life i feel like im going no where

Experiences online

  • competitve play, GODLY WITH A MOUSE ITS FACTS
  • toxic chats
  • i know how to throw out that GG
  • idek

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Honestly when I said my "Level" as it may be is high- I feel myself to be in the medium to a lesser pro territory. In Fortnite, much has happened with me to not become such a level as I am now, I'm incredibly competitive when i half to be and even when I don't have to. My stats on Fortnite are honestly average or less than average although my building and aim are extraordinary along with the way I outsmart opponents. Honestly I beg of any team not to recruit me based on stats, because I'm sure that is not what they do, allow me to demonstrate my skill in game and in playground. As a achievement I would like to share, I have brought my old KD of .8 from way back when, during the Fortnite screw me over times, to around 2 although i do try to get my minimum of 5 early game when everyone is dying, my building technique is absolutely insane and so is my aim, additionally as past accomplishments, I have carried solo squads during the season 5 meta against me of spraying me and taken out full squads carrying near end game with 17 kills (was kicked from games a few times) I do carry solo squads for friends aswell and outplay people in 1ms lower than my actual ping, and have been told how great I am, I'm ready to enter COMPETITIVE fortnite in hopes of resetting everything and going professional onto a team to learn more than what I know now and like i said I want to compete against people much higher than me in order to get better. Anyway, I hope to show skill that you recruiters are looking for and hope you understand what I'm saying. Another thing id like to include is that my kill records for solo is 27 kills along with the fact that a lot of people do call me the lesser nick eh 30 for those edits :)


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