Halo Infinite


Martin | 28 ans

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To achieve a higher rank and improve in my abilities as a halo player.
To commit to a team and compete at a higher level.
To bring my presence in the halo community to a higher level through my Twitch and other socials.

Experiences online

  • Dimond 3 in season 1 of infinite
  • Twitch Streamer since 2018

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello and thank you for reading my resume, I have been playing Halo on and off since Halo 3 but really got in to it with MCC coming to PC, and then even more with the release of Infinite, being able to play exclusively on mouse and keyboard is a must as its my best performing way to play.

I am looking for a more consistent group to rank up with, and possibly enter some tournaments with, I always strive to improve with my gameplay and take the game serious how ever i do also like to enjoy myself and que Social Games when i am not playing Ranked.

I'm generally a rather laid back guy open to talking about a problem during games than shouting my mouth, I don't let ego get in to the way of my commitment to a team and adhering to team schedules is top priority to me.


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