Heroes of the Storm


Tony | 46 ans

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Looking for a seriously casual team. =)

I am looking for a team that is serious about becoming a good team. That is willing to practice, try and learn new strats, research, and learn from our mistakes to get better. I just want to play with people who are willing to try and get better. I don't like losing, but know that every loss is a teaching moment. If we are good enough for some tournaments, then that would be a blast too.

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I was a Diamond 1 League player.

I mainly play Assassins, but enjoy playing some support and a few specialists.

Reached Rank 6 in HL before the reset, pretty much stopped playing HL after the promotion series and being set back to 28. I also dislike the HOTS Ranking system and give no real thought to what people rank's are. All my of my friends are Rank 1 and I can keep up with all of them. I just had no desire to regrind the ranks again.

I think my "hotslog" is somewhere around 2800. Haven't looked in awhile.I have never uploaded a game to that site, so I can't say how accurate that number is. I'm confident in my ability to play, listen and learn from my own mistakes. I take responsibility when I screw something up and am always open to suggestions for improving my game play.


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