Heroes of the Storm


oskar tholen | 25 ans

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Hello, i want a team to play with and improve with, i want to reach high elo in heroes of the storm, i have been playing alot of mobas but always been stuck in low elos, im tired of that, so now i will focus on only 1 moba and i have chosen heroes and i want to reach as far as possible, i would like to enter some tournaments but im not because of school rdy to aim for the profesional e sport scene yet, but if u are that kind of team i would love to join as a sub,

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my name is **** on ****, i am only lvl 25 because i havent had the game during so long time, but i have been activly studying strategies since the release of alpha and i have been following the pro scene since it started pretty much, so i know the strategies and i would say im quite a good player, and with all my future practice i think i can become a great one. i hope to get some friendly and fun players to play with but that also aims to go quite far. i can play any role but i would prefer the assassin/speciaist role, and my least favorite is the warrior.


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