League of Legends


Rupert | 25 ans

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Pick the brains of higher ranked players.
Develop better in game communication/plays/macro decisions
Become a better player overall to the best of my ability to help my team win
Develop relationships with teammates the creates synergy behind the champions that are played on the rift to where we have no limitations.
Winning, at the end of the day I want to win. I'm a sore loser and I personally don't like to lose.

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I have been playing League of Legends since 2014, but started really competitive playing starting season 2020. In Season 12 I was able to hit my peak rank for LoL career which is Plat 3. Ever since Season 10, I was able to hit the next highest rank than before. I am Main mid lane with the flexibility to play jungle 2nd preference and then support as 3rd preference.

My play style that I like to play and give my team the best chances to win such as champions who can control the map on a Macro perspective due to my biggest weaknesses which is early game CS/Early game laning due to bad macro decisions I have made in the past still reviewing game film noticing plays I've missed, rotations etc. I am confident in my macro/micro ability mid/late mage due to me feeling more comfortable through out the game while it progresses making me make better macro decisions and understanding the enemy's team weaknesses or play they are developing or trying to execute. I am very big on controlling the map which now my champion pool involves these champions Azir, Ryze, Ziggs and I am really picky about vision control on the map which could help our team get an upper advantage against the enemy team. I play better if my team is behind due to me always playing from behind because of early game weakness as a player and gotten used to my teams back against the wall and helped me establish my mid to late game presence that I am confident in. Whenever me and my team are ahead I tend to autopilot some matches due to me not knowing what to do with a lead because I am so used to playing from behind. My craft is still in progress and i understand my weaknesses that i need to improve on in order for me to win more and make the game easier for my team and myself.


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