League of Legends


Jaydan | 21 ans

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I've known this game since it's very beginning and have seen it evolve into what it is now. I've always loved what competitive play feels like and have wanted to dive further into that aspect of the game. I know I have good game sense and decision making, but I want to take supporting my team even further.

Experiences online

  • Every Available Clash Tournament
  • ARAM Tournament

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Back in 2015, I decided that the Mid-lane life just wasn't for me. Being right around the release of a revolutionary support, I decided to give Braum a try and I've been playing Support ever since.

Everyone has their main champions (Pyke, Senna, Rell), and their sideline (Zac, Thresh, Ornn, Nautilus) that they can use in most any situation, but I am always open to learn a new champ or playstyle to fit the team comp or ADC pool.

In the jungle, I favor objectives slightly over frequent ganking, making every dragon for soul a priority to have control of. And if not, I usually play champions that can make a hasty steal and escape unscathed. A portion of my Support champion pool leeks over into my Jungle, such as Zac and Sejuani, leaving the possibility open for a more versatile pick or bait for a counter-pick.

My vision and map awareness often get us out of potentially sticky situations. I always run a ward item on my picks and I often take Teleport, if I can afford it, to provide more map and objective presence as a team.


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