League of Legends

CWΞ Claw

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I want to get better at the game and win tunrements as a team. I also wish to learn more about pro play.

Experiences online

  • solovanian league of legends turnements

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello, i am a league of legends player that is looking for a team, have currently been in 2 leage of legends teams, and in both i have had good resaults. I have played in some online turenments, most of them have been in a slovinen league. I am non toxic and want to learn and get better as a player and/or team. I am able to learn new champs if that is needed, i like to play what is meta at the time so we can have the best chance of winning. I am not ranked super high at the moment beacuse i havnt had that much time playing ranked, i dedecated most of the time for the last esport teams i played in. I am able to play everyday and any time.


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