League of Legends


Curtis | 22 ans

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I am Diab0lu5 I am a Jungle and Mid lane main. I play champions such as Kayn, Jarven IV, Warwick, Yasuo, Yone, Syndra, and Talon. Currently I am a Silver 1 player, but i am currently on my way to enter Gold IV(I shall update when i reach this point). I have participated in many clash tournaments, but no actual tournaments outside of that. I Stream on twitch 2-3 times a week depending on my schedule. I am currently in university at Bloomu, and am looking for a team to join. If you choose me to be a part of your team I will be a great asset. My game sense is very good, i understand the meta and I know how to play almost every champion in the game. Additionally I also have an extensive game knowledge on counter picks, and bans. My only request if you Accept me into your team is that i don't show my face. I like to keep it hidden for private reasons.


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