League of Legends


WILLIAM | 44 ans

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my ambitions is to go professional and play in the Esports.

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i'm not good at writing these things but here i go..... i have been playing League of Legends off and on for many years now. throughout the years i have tried all the roles and i find myself most comfortable and skilled as a support main. i'm more of a traditional support player like Braum, alistar, sona, soraka, blitzcrank, nautilus but more recently i have been playing Veigar, malphite, poppy, lux and more as support to expand my champion pool. i know i'm not perfect and still make mistakes. but i want to learn to be one of the best and go up against the best. the only way i will be able to do that is to find a good team that i can learn with, grow with, claim with, and compete with. i have late afternoon and all evenings open to do my training and i look forward to joining you all soon :).

P.S. i'm better at talking than writing one of these hehe.


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