League of Legends


Alexander Gonzalez | 123 ans

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My ambitions is to join a competitive team to further my gaming experience as well as my further my role as a support main.

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I joined the League community way back in 2012, I believe the champion they had just released was Zed. The game has quickly become one of my favorites and started playing daily. I decided to main the the role of support only because at that time there wasn't any role selection and people just auto picked or shouted whatever role and support was always the last to be available. Overtime I fell in love with the role and just became edger to play it and learn all the support champs. My current main support champ is Nami, I love the her kit from healing, stunning, slowing, and even boosting move speed. She is truly, in my opinion, one of the best supports out there. I do in fact use many other supports from Lulu, Janna, Rakan, Sona, Seraphine, and Soraka. Utility based supports is my strong suite, but I do really well with tank supports as well such as: Thresh, Alistar, Braum, Leona, Taric, Nautilus, and Rell. I have many years under my belt with the role of support, and I wish to have many more.


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