League of Legends


Petros Konidaris | 26 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Leader Leader
Coach Coach
Other Other


Experiences online

  • LoL ESL Major tournament powered by sennheiser
  • LoL Digital Universe Greece
  • LoL Go4LoL tournament Greece powered by Inspot
  • LoL 5on5 Major League Season 2 Promotion Cup Greece
  • League Greek Championship LAN qualifiers
  • LoL EU Nordic & East 5on5 Champions Club
  • Turkish League Championship

Experiences offline

  • League Greek Championship LAN qualifiers


Started up as a player since season 1(2010), played as a casual player,since end of season 2 until start of season 3 started playing and participating as competitive player in ESL EU tournaments,

season 3 individual achievement:
-Top 5 Ahri in the world

After my first steps into the competitive scene i found myself in many competitive/semi-pro organizations in Greece.


-Joined Elysium Gaming Academies for tryouts
-Same year i've been awarded as one of the top 5 best mid laners in the whole organization

- Joined for try out in Test your Limits Academy
- Awarded as a great strategist,shotcaller and rare mid laner
- Been offered to join in 2016 Test your Limits main roster

Those are some of the past teams and organizations i've been participating as a player(mid laner), i have even more recorded on my team history. And ofc i'm looking and i'm willing joining more in the future.

As player experience,moved on to coaching individuals and participated in a lot of teams outside of my country(Greece) and i've been awarded as a great Coach/Analyst with lots of positive reviews.
i would love to join the professional ladder with a team for Riot tournaments.

Current aiming:
-Riot tournaments
-ESL EU tournaments(EUW & EUNE)
-Dreamhack events
-Intel Extreme Masters


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