League of Legends


Zayne Anthony | 24 ans

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Player Player
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Editor Editor


To play in tournaments and see where things lead to there.

Experiences online

  • High School eSports Team

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hi! My name is Zayne or Iłlusive.

I'm a Plat Mid Main in League of Legends, I started playing League back around mid Season 7 but only did normal games to play with friends. Never really did ranked or anything competitive. Around the start-mid of Season 9 I started to want to get more competitive in League. So grinded a bit but ultimately I wanted more of a team style play. I wanted teamplay with tournaments.

Now I'm not gonna type too much, just here are some things I can bring to your team:

I'm very aggressive in the mid lane and play good carry champs.
I communicate well, especially with junglers to get early invades for visions and shutdowns on enemy junglers.
I take constructive criticism very well and improve what I need to. I play a lot.
I'm very blunt and honest so I won't be sugar-coating most things, but won't be a dick about it either.


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