League of Legends


Sven | 21 ans

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My ambitions are to show my parents and the rest of the world to that gaming isn't a waste of time and that you really can make money from them I wanna help children achieve their dreams. I also wanna make my own money and be recognised among the legends.

Experiences online

  • I have experience in strategy based games
  • I have experience in team based games and am a team player
  • I am known to be a good leader and support

Experiences offline

  • I love to practice and improve my skills


I played a lot of Dota 2 and I still do but it hurts my head after a long play session and that's when I decided to try League of Legends and soon I found out I'm a prodigy, now I know that this is the most common game in Esports because let's be honest it's pretty easy to learn and to play. I was gonna choose Dota 2 but I am still training, this doesn't mean I won't stop playing LoL, no I'll continue because I don't give up on games I love the games I choose and I have a passion to this game I like the style of it and the simplicity, from there and there it gets harder which I love. Currently I'm maining Mordekaiser, Darius and Jinx ( but she's just for fun) I mostly main TOP. I learn quickly if I have reason and I do. This is my way of trying to invest my talent into something, my family doesn't believe in gaming and think that only the rich can do it. I just wanna join a team and play so I can show my family and all the other parents that games CAN MAKE MONEY and that if your child is good to not take it away from them I wanna help evolve and spread the gaming world. I am from Croatia, come from a low income family with a single parent, and am ready to sacrifice everything just to show that I am one of the best. Currently with the state of my family I don't have the best gaming system, I play LoL and Dota 2 on my laptop and I would love to start streaming to earn money to buy a better setup and also to show my talent and entertain the people. Thank you in advance and I hope you take my resume in consideration.


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