League of Legends


Jackson | 24 ans

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Strat caller Strat caller


Gain experience at a higher level and improve my skills. I hope to someday play for a competitive team at a high level.

Experiences online

  • TONS of gaming experience

Experiences offline

  • TONS of team experience with sports
  • Managed fitness store
  • I'm a Chill/Mature 21 y/o


I am new to Competitive LoL but I always like playing to win. I play Support, Top and Jungle although I prefer to play support as my main if playing at a higher level. I am a very safe and strategic player who is always thinking and looking to improve. I'm very open to communication, learning and teamwork I love to play my role and get the job done!

Looking for a competitive/chill team that is focused on winning and improving every game we play together, I look forward to hearing from any teams about potential opportunities.

Champ Pools
Support Top 5: #1 Nautilus, #2 Lulu, #3 Serpahine, #4 Leona, #5 Blitzcrank.

Top lane Top 10: #1 Malphite #2 Darius #3 Mordekaiser #4 Gnar #5 Kennen #6 Cho'Gath #7 Ornn #8 illaoi #9 Tryndamere #10 Nasus

Jungle Top 10: #1 Warwick #2 Amumu (RIP Riot Nerfs) Rammus #3 Hecarim #4 Kayn #5 Fiddlesticks #6 Ivern #7 Olaf #8 Vi #9 Dr. Mundo #10 Nunu

I am open to trying any new champs that might fit my playstyle/match team synergy! This is just a list of the champs I prefer to play in order to see if you like playing with the champs I usually lock in. :)

Again I'm looking forward to hearing from any teams who may need a JG/Supp/Top player, I am confident I would be a great addition to any team when surrounded by players who communicate and want to win!

I have discord as well as most social medias to talk on and I would love to play some games and get some tryouts going so you guys can see what I am like in game and on voice comms.


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