League of Legends


Everton Lyle | 27 ans

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I would like to join the competitive scene or even go pro. Of course I know that I still have work to be done to get there and would like the opportunity to join a team to help take me to the next level. Saying that I still want to make life long friends and just genuinely have a great time playing the game.

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I have been playing league of legends since Season 4 and have been diamond consecutively for the last 4 seasons. I used to play for Robert Morris university back when I went to college there on there 3rd and 2nd string teams. ADC is my primary role but I also play top lane as secondary. As an ADC I can play any champion needed from simple safe carries like Cait to aggressive like Lucian/Draven. Honestly I would like to play competitively but even if I cannot I would like to just find a great group of friends to play with. Other than that I'm pretty much an open book and will answer any questions when you message me.


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