League of Legends


Ian | 34 ans

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Strat caller Strat caller


To go pro!

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Hi, I'm looking to join a team serious about improving and competing at the highest level possible. I want to practice and develop synergy with a consistent group of dedicated players focused on improvement. My highest rank is only Diamond 3, my "excuse" is that I've played an even spread of every role and almost all of the champions in those roles in order to develop a deep understanding of the game. Whether it's possible or not, I want to become a pro and I'll give it everything I have. I've played since season 4, before that I played competitive Counter Strike. I know what it's like to practice with a team for months, warm up for matches, win through the regular season, playoffs, and win the championship of a league while shot-calling for my team. I like the preparation aspect of the game, I'll study pro games, our games, do the math on items and champions, test all the matchups, whatever it takes. Ready to practice and play, hope to hear back! Thanks, Ian


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