League of Legends


Loïc Roth | 22 ans

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Maybe win some tournaments but nothing too competitive since I'm still finishing my degree.

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I go by the summoner name M4rton and I proudly hold the title of a Master-level League of Legends player. I have honed my skills across all roles (except jungle), making me a versatile force on the Rift.

My journey through League has led me to become proficient with almost every champion in the game. From the towering tanks to the nimble assassins, I've embraced the diversity of the champion pool, making me a formidable presence in any match.

While my rank places me among good players, I know I'm not the best. But I am dedicated to mastering the art of League of Legends. Whether you need a reliable support, a ruthless mid, or a deadly marksman, I've got it covered.

Adaptability is my strength. I thrive on the challenge of adapting my playstyle to fit the needs of the team. If a specific champion or role is required, I can focus and deliver a performance that ensures victory.


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