League of Legends


markus minny | 32 ans

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Challenger by the end of 2019 and hoping to join a team, get sponsored and compete on an international LEC stage or world championship by the end of 2020. I am looking for serious gamers with a **** is time I put my skills to good use and to the test.

Experiences online

  • Have competed in VS gaming tournament in south africa

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


To whom it may concern,

I am a passionate gamer who loves League of Legends and has dedicated myself to 7 seasons of this game. Over the years I have taken a liking to the support role and I have studied the role extensively. I have studied all the roles and know the basics like wave manipulation strategies, warding, roaming, power spikes (and how to use them), teamfights and positioning. I also have good knowledge of Cooldown and minion trading. I have 100s if not 1000s of hours of research that I have completed on this game.

My first love as support is Thresh, but I also have lots of experience with all the other supports, including Leona, sona, nami, lulu and janna. I like to play healing and shielding supports when having a hyper carry because I feel that I have great awareness and enough skill to keep any carry alive.

I am a very enthusiastic individual and I do not give up easily, mostly not at all.

I truly think I am a great support with a lot of game knowledge and a perfect fit for a team needing a support.


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