League of Legends


Reilly | 20 ans

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I'm good at league and I want to make the most out of it . I love this game and I love to have a team to finally pull out my best with

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I'm a league of legends player my highest achieved ranked is platinum 4 ranked flex/ Gold 2 Solo/duo Ranked
Though I don't play ranked that much, I have great skills such as map awareness, great communication, playing as a team and much more
I play mostly top/jg/support but I've been thriving as support lately by playing aggressive champions such as sett and moakai, so I am open to more champions such as Pyke, Thresh, Leona and much more. Even if those champions aren't the best option i am always willing to learn new champions and experiment with new ways to play them
I do like to find creative non meta ways that are successful in their own right, so I can pull of sneaky combs and confuse the enemy with my real role making them pick a counter for my champ even though I am not going into their lane.


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