League of Legends


| N/A ans

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I want to become a professional player and develop my skill set in the game and entertainmemt industry be it in French or English communities.

Experiences online

  • I have been part of some esport group in the past that I have had to leave unfortunately either because the structure was too small or because there were some schedule problems on my part

Experiences offline

  • I have played a wide variety of games and usually strive to get more in depth knowledge on the games I play.



Let me start off by saying that I am not a professional player, although it is my long time wish to be one. Amongst the games I have played and consider myself to have a decent level are: league of legends, although my peak Elo was gold 1 I am known to have good teamwork and to be easy to play with; legends of runeterra, my peak elo for this game was diamond 1 100lp I have in depth knowledge of this game and have created my own decks in the past; ark survival evolved on pc, I also have in depth knowledge of this game that includes all the maps, breeding, mutating etc…
I am fluent in both English, french and have passed the HSK 3 exam for Chinese. Because of studies I have not been able to play any games in the past few months however I am hard working towards my goals and know full well the extent of my potential.
I would be glad if any team is willing to contact me via discord or by mail.


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