League of Legends


Paul Acosta | 20 ans

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Ever since I was young I watched twitch streams and youtube videos. And I think's it's everyone's dream to grow up and have their dream job. Well my dream job would be to play video games, have some laughs, and hang with friends. I don't necessarily have to be the best in the world, I just want to do good for myself.

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Yeah like the profile says I'm Raddus. I'm a ( at the time of writing this) 17 year old who has been gaming for my entire life. When I was younger I usually just played FPS games like Halo or Cod, but as I grew older I was able to appreciate the other games that rewarded skill. I'm the oldest of three brothers, and we're all pretty competitive, so I'm not going to back down from a challenge. I like to think I can be pretty determined, although sometimes it can turn into over achieving. I'm a fast learner now with most games since middle school, mostly form the fact my brothers and friends are always finding new games to play and try to beat me in. My friends and family think I'm pretty funny so I think I could be some comedic relief to a team. I'm also pretty used to being under pressure in games, whether it be a 1v5 or a ninja backdoor. I look forward to joining a team and making new friends, new memories, and of course dominating the competition!


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