League of Legends

Sneaky Beaky

Maciej Marcinkowski | N/A ans

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Im looking for a solid team with good **** of all I should introduce myself.
So.. Hi, my name is Maciej and im from Poland. By now I study IT.
Playing league on Nordic server since season 3 where I successfully reached Gold (1 i think). Go back to season 4 I claimed Diamond league and went some competetive way. I played with high diamond players in organization called FlyCom. Unfortunately I quit league for a while when my team broke down. Returned in present, 6th season. I always played my lovely lane, which is middle. Got pretty nice champ pool, but mostly Id like to play champs such as Yasuo, Zed, Talon, Ziggs, Brand and Orianna.

I should say that my mindset is set up to success! Im trying to take care about my own mistakes. Its human, we make bad decisions sometimes. Im ready for the challenge! In fact I wanna improve my gamestyle and macro plays. Also I wanned to add, that Im polish, but i havent got any problems with English - spoken or written.

As I said, im looking for stable team.

Hit me up in the game - Sneaky Beaky

Also you can contact me via email - ****


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