League of Legends


Stefan | 21 ans

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To summarize them as best as possible, I want to improve my gameplay to be the best I possibly can and become an esports pro as it has been something I've always wanted achieve ever since I started playing games competitively. I want to become renowned as one of the greatest League players of all time, and be able to stand alongside players like Showmaker, Chovy and Faker to name a few.

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Well, where do I even start... I have always played games competitively for as long as I've known. Throughout the years, playing Destiny, Apex Legends, Brawlhalla, Starcraft, Smash Bros, and many others, I've always gravitated towards the ranked aspect of it. It gave me a new challenge, and made the games more exciting as I HAD to improve to stay on top and dominate. Now, I've always know of League, but I never got into it because everyone I knew would hate on it. But after watching Arcane I decided to give it a try and what can I say, I fell in love with League of Legends. It's quite literally the perfect game for a person like myself. There is a constant challenge to be better, to have better map awareness, to macro as best as possible, there are so many skills to improve on and I absolutely love that about a game. League has improved my mental (surprisingly) to where I'm always looking on new ways to improve and climb the ranks.

I've always had the dream of becoming an esports pro. Watching esports tournaments and competitions growing up really stirred up the passion within me to hopefully become an esports pro myself. But over the years, many of the games I'd play competitively would rise and fall, or the state of the game would become so devastating that it just didn't make sense to play any further. But with League and how long it has lasted and with how much different playstyles can be enacted, I finally feel like this is the game I really want to sink my teeth in and play my heart out, because I know I have the potential and what it takes to become pro. I have already learned a majority of legends and I am an incredible AD and top carry, also being able to play every single role if needed. So if you want someone on your team who is dedicated to improve and has the resilient mindset to pull through no matter what, I'm the one you're looking for.


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