League of Legends


Keoni | 27 ans

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To be an entertainer in the streaming community, but also still be a pro or semi-pro in the esports light.

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Hey there! Thanks for checking me out, you can call me YesParade! I've been playing league since 2016, my skills have gradually gotten better without any direct coachings and have been doing what I can on my own. I feel that I would like to be part of a team and try that with other like-minded individuals who are willing to grow and better themselves with each other. I main Support, but have dabbled in Mid and Top, recently playing more ADC. I am pretty proficient in most every support, but tend to lead towards lulu, nautilus, pantheon, rakan, leona, and thresh (mostly engaging champions or high cc, but like I said, I pretty fluent into whatever play style). I have adapted over the years and can generally make decent call-outs, but in the heat of the moment, go quite and just watch and listen as teamfights breakout, usually taking into consideration of the games progress and making my choices off what I assume is the right judgement, until told otherwise. I'm very open to criticism and always looking for ways to improve myself. If I seem like the type of player you're looking for, let me know! (under the roles, I just put them in order from my best to worst roles, but I'm starting to feel more confident in my ADC over top role. And the champions I have selected are all champions I am very confident in playing. This doesn't limit my abilities to new champions, but in a pickle, I am most confident with all the selected champions no matter what.)


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