League of Legends


Collette | 24 ans

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Prove to a team, myself, and others that I am good enough and that I do have what it takes to be on the big screens one day

Experiences online

  • Won CS:GO Tournament in 2018
  • Got third place in SMITE Tournament

Experiences offline

  • Management experience
  • Hiring and training people (which equates to players)


Getting more into the competitive side of League of Legends finally after watching the scene develop and watching eSports for it live. I'm an NA Plat 4 player who is growing quickly both in skill and their devotion to the game. I am able to carry myself comfortable in any role, but prefer Mid with Yone or Zed or I can do Jungle with Elise.

I'm comfortable with most legends and most positions, and if it's something I am new with, I am always more than open to learning that position and legend. I also have experience with business inside and outside of eSports and growing brands to earn a fanbase and get to the top, and would even be willing to offer a line of advice or two. I also compete in Overwatch, Call of Duty, and Rocket League that you can check my resumes for.


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