League of Legends


Will Mclaughlin | 29 ans

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My ambitions as a gamer have come as far as reaching a suitable level of gaming competition as to where i am constantly around people who understand, and can give me proper feedback, about my play style and how i can benefit a team positively. Obviously being the best is the number one goal as well and i want to be able to reach a level of gaming prowess, especially with today's up and coming esport fanbase, that i can be content with.

Experiences online

  • MMORPG, PVP arena and bgs, RTS, MOBAS, Overwatch (Diamond), FPS, Survival

Experiences offline

  • Total War, Last 3 Fallouts, Last 3 Elderscrolls, Endless Rentals that i beat the stories for in 2 days,


I have over 1250+ hrs on Dota 2 as well as a few hundred now on LOL. I have played video games constantly throughout my entire life (Mobas, mmos, rts, total war, fps, survival, even minecraft designing and redstone wiring.) and the video game industry has kept my attention effortlessly. Video games have always come easy for me, even when i was a little kid. This was probably due to my endless obsession with strategy, card collecting, and the years i was apart of the chess club. Even at a young age i went to many different tournaments for sports and other extracurricular activities. I always would have competitions with my friends, however, with video games and that was when the real fun began. There is just something about completely intellectually beating someone as opposed to tackling them on a football field, or just simply throwing someone to the mat. This is my passion and all i have ever wanted was to be apart of a team of people who love gaming and online rankings and just simply want to be the best!


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