League of Legends


Dean | 18 ans

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I don't dream of being in the LCO, but if whichever team recruits me and we all grow as players, then of course I'll take that shot, I'll keep up with my team's skill and push the team further. I want my father to believe and realize that there is a benefit to gaming other than selfish personal satisfaction. If ever I fail to achieve my dream career then why not devote my time to something I truly love doing which is playing league. Whatever becomes of my future team whether it be involvement with the LCO or simply becoming a stream team, all that matters is that I have a team who's got my back and a team who I can probably relate to.

Experiences online

  • Previously with a 5 - man/Duo/Trio squad/club
  • 4 Years of playing league.

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We can all admit that playing league of legends can be more than just a hobby, we devote hours into the game, and just like a lot of people who are like this, I'm looking for an opportunity to actually play with an actual team and make a profit out of the hours I play this memorable game. Profiting doesn't simply mean I get paid literally with every game, but by going through tournaments and the sort. I've been playing league for over 4 years now, half of it just being a casual player, and the other half wanting to climb. I have peaked at Gold III in the Philippines server, and currently my OCE account is only in Silver II due to me being active in RGMs for the most part as URF and Ulti-Spellbook are indeed very enjoyable. Most preferred role is Jungle and I main Master Yi, Pantheon, and Skarner, second preferred role is Top Lane where I main Garen and Yone, third preferred role is Mid Lane where I main Talon and Kassadin, and lastly I do not play ADC and support (Sona is my only champ for supp). I look forward to playing with others even if there's a big skill gap because I know that I can learn and grow as a player by playing and learning from better players. I'm confident to say that I am a good player on the rift and all I could ever need is a team's guidance to improve.


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