LoL Wild Rift


Shelton Strid | 34 ans

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Just to see where I can go with mobile gaming. Id like to rise to the top and be noticed but tis but a dream.

Experiences online

  • Overwatch for PC competivie tournaments
  • Smash bro lan tournaments

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Born and raised in Texas have ben gaming since I was 4 years old. Currently I am 31, living in Austin, with my beautiful family. Been playing league since Xin Zhao was released for the PC. Wild rift came along and I took to high rank fast playing mainly support, mid, top. I am emerald 1 at the moment. I play Malphite (mid, top , support) Braum (support), Teemo (yeah I know...) and much more. When i played the PC version I mained mid lane and support mostly with Brand. I stopped playing pc for reasons I wont disclose on here. Id love to be apart of a esports team and go somewhere with it. Im a team player, and a great addition to any team. I have a huge passion for gaming and competitive gaming as a whole. Im a great friend, open to constructive criticism. As well if ever needed.


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