LoL Wild Rift


Trying ToStudy | 24 ans

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I want to not only reach challenger, but also play with a big audience and win.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • I played competitive tennis in a national level, I am familiar with high stakes situations.


Languages: English and Spanish fluently
Age: 23
Occupation: College student

Self introduction:
Hello, my name is Gabriel Ruiz and I am currently a master jungle main. My peak is grandmaster, current goal this break is to get to challenger. I have been on previous teams in which I have been flexible on the roles that needed to be played and have been the leader of one which unfortunately dissolved due to conflicts of interest and time management regarding other players.

- I am flexible regarding social environments, adapt quickly to any type of playstyle, and love high pressure situations the most (specially with an audience).
- I can lead a team and shot call whenever needed, but if someone is already on that role, I am able to follow, adapt, and make the situation better than what it once was.
- Good reaction times for micro plays.
- Great macro awareness

- Ability to organize loud noises in game, usually happens when a player with a strong opinion does not want to be wrong.
- Overall study times need to be tackled before any session, studies do come first, but my passion comes right after it.


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