Mobile Legends


Patryk Kotwicki | 23 ans

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Skillful, calm, easy to get on with, very skilled, mastered top, jungle and mm, with the right people, I am unstoppable.

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I am highly motivated individual that loves to play this game. I have been playing a few years with different random squads and I've always been one of the best players. I love this game because I'm really good at it, in terms of communication, team play, I know how to play my positions and I love playing with people alike who also know what to do, are capable of insane skills which I also perform. I can play under pressure and love to be tested with people who are higher in the rank. As a epic player when I started, used to play agains legends/mythic and it was very satisfying to be better than them. Once I reached mythic myself, playing against mythic glory people was fun and very competitive. With the team I consider myself as a person who can back you up, play different positions and understand every single champion in the game.


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