Overwatch 2


Lucas | 19 ans

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EarlessLizard60#60411 icon
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I am just a player who wants to be a part of something and get better with the help of those around me, who knows maybe I could be semi pro. I think it’s possible I just need a team to have consistent practice with.

Experiences online

  • 784 hours of playtime on overwatch
  • Have played many other fps titles

Experiences offline

  • High school football player
  • Varsity track athlete every year of my HS career so far
  • Training new employees at my job


Hello my name is EarlessLizard60 but in overwatch I go by TONK I am a mid/high platinum tank player from the west coast. My top characters are Reinhardt, Hammond, Zarya, and Sigma I can play all the tanks pretty well though so I am a very versatile player. If I need to get better at a certain hero I am willing to grind out and get to where you would like me to be. I give many callouts as tank and have been told many times that I’m a leader on my teams. I can play the other rolls as well I would just need to put in some time to have the mastery level I have on tank but same still applies I am a very versatile player in those other rolls, being able to play almost every character at a gold level of play. I am also a good option as a coach for those in lower ranks due to my large amount of time in the game, I just know what to look for or what to do in certain situations that will come with time.


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