Overwatch 2


Cristian Santana | 30 ans

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Grind with the team to play with great expectations
Pursue a Professional role

Experiences online

  • 6+ years

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hey my name is Cristian Santana and I'm willing to work with you to work up this team! I'm trying to be on a team because I would rather play a serious Scrimmage instead of casual play. I've been playing since ow1 beta so I'm pretty experienced in identifying types of comps, seeing issues in team battles, and how to counter them characters. I've played 6+ years now so I'm not new. I can outperform my expectations most of the time and I think I have a chance to show you that I can grind. I am willing to learn more characters if needed. My profile is open so you can see my stats. I can send you a game or two to show you that I can perform when I need to. I can lead during a game but I don't do often. My intuition tell me most of the time when to put pressure, move back and push forward. When there's a problem that can't really be handled, its an issue (ex: toxicity). I am willing to pursue a Professional role to either scrimmage or do tournament play.

Tracer 107+ hours
Genji 85+ hours
Soldier: 76, 64+ hours
Sojourn 26+ hours


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Ce joueur n'est plus disponible pour être recruté

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