

Jacob Ownby | 23 ans

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I want to reach grand master on Overwatch and maybe even get to the top 500 one day, all while having fun, and growing within the community. Lets bring some sugar to all the salt.

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I'm not incredibly high ranked. I'm in gold and hope by finding a team, that I can get even farther as a group. I may not be the highest ranked, but I have the ambition and determination to be. I boosted from bronze all the way to gold in one season, and am trying to surpass that. I've been playing FPS games since I was four, and my love for all of them has never faded, but Overwatch is something different. It brings the amazing attributes of a MOBA and mixes it with a FPS, and I love it for that.

Mains--DPS-reaper Defense-Hanzo Tank-roadhog Healer-Anna

I'm a Hanzo main *I'm not ashamed* and have put 50 hours of my time into him, as of this profile update. But if you don't like Hanzo don't fret. I am a flex and know my way around pretty much every character and can use them effectively.


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